ProExtender Review - Non-Surgical or Surgical Penis Enlargement: Which Method Is Most Effective?

If we believe the countless reports that are currently becoming known, many enthusiasts manage to enlarge the penis with the use of ProExtender. Therefore, it is not surprising that ProExtender is becoming more popular day in and day out. Are you hoping for more pronounced size and girth? Are you dissatisfied with the length of your male sex penis?

The alternative to the conservative method is a surgical penis enlargement. In a nutshell, the surgery involves cutting a ligament near the pubic bone, which allows the penis to protrude further, making it appear larger. The missing ligament makes the member more unstable - when erect, for example, you can push it down very far without much resistance. Still, you don't have to worry: It remains fully functional. However, you could also be unlucky: If scars form where the ligament was cut, the penis may grow back and ultimately look smaller than before. 

For a penis enlargement by surgery you have to pay up to 10,000 € - is it worth to use up your savings for this, or is the purchase of an extender sufficient?

Prof. Dr. med. Frank Sommer performs surgical penis enlargements himself and earns his money with it, among other things. Nevertheless, he says, "The conservative option should be preferred if you consider all factors." Only to put on the stretcher is not enough for a long time, in addition, the blood circulation should be trained. On average, mechanical penis lengthening achieves an increase of 0.5 centimeters, in 98 percent of cases. In the case of the surgical method, the predicted figures are between 0.5 and 4 centimeters of length gain, in reality, according to Prof. Sommer, rather 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters are to be expected. 

This is truly not much with either method, but can still have a great significance for many men. Especially men with a very small penis, for example with a micropenis (under 10 centimeters), can increase their self-confidence - from which their love life can also benefit.

More information can be found under the link:

Conclusion: Try ProExtender and be Proud - With penis enlargement, at best you gain a few inches, at worst your penis shrinks. You should consider whether it's worth the effort for you. If you want to try ProExtender, then do it right: Don't put on any extender hastily, but follow Dr. Sommer's tips - you can't be too careful with your "best piece".